I will actually be 33 weeks tomorrow, I am getting pretty big... im hoping Carson may come a bit early. My original due date was December 12th, according to my cycle and my second U.S said that I was measuring about a week ahead, but the U.S technician said the doc's dont inform you of that unless it was 3 weeks or more. My mother in law just got me a really cute first christmas outfit for Carson and I really want him to be able to wear it! it has a little reindeer on the butt and little reindeer footsies.
Anthony painted Carson's room this weekend, we just painted one wall a color called clear blue sky, it looks really nice. We got the crib set up and the dress/changing table in there and the rocking chair, the furniture is pretty big so the room looks kinda crowded because the furniture is so big, but comfy. I love the vintage firetruck bedding and all the colors in the room cordinate.
I have been feeling really tired, but I dont sleep well. I am usually up every 2 to 3 hours to pee, and roll over which means rolling over with all my pillows as well. I noticed I sleep better on nights Anthony works at the fire station, I have the whole bed to myself to spread out. But I still pee a lot lol. My feet are pretty sore and my belly is getting larger. I have stretch marks on my sides now. I have gained about 35 lbs. Its hard to stay at my goal which was 25-30 lbs. especially with Halloween candy, oreo cookies, and Thanksgiving coming. And hopefully he will come before Christmas but there are Christmas cookies from Thanksgiving on... and candy canes.. Im a sucker for candy and sweets! I have been kinda emotional I cry over some songs and sappy stuff, lol and when my feelings get really hurt or im overly tired I pretty much turn into a toddler and cant stop crying. Anthony has been helpful with cleaning the house, but I do feel like I need to do one big deep cleaning before Carson comes. Mostly with our bathrooms and kitchen. There is a lot of re-organizing to do in our bedroom with clothes and re-modeling/just painting and getting new furnature and rugs for our living room area and kitchen... and I want to put in dimmers throughout the house for our lights. So we have a lot of projects ahead in the next month. Anthony is taking the 11th and 12th off and will hopefully ask some family and friends for help with some stuff cause I cant do it.
Anyways, thats it for now tata.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
30 weeks
I am 30 weeks pregnant today... and I got my first belly stretch mark.. its acutally n my side... but it sucks! I am extremely irritable, especially today. Mostly at work. People are so rude and annoying. We got bedding for Carson's room, its really cute. Vintage fire truck.
I found it at a place called Momma Go Round, its a shop by my work that sells gently used baby/kids stuff and maternity stuff. I love that store! It is in great condition, im just going to get it dry cleaned.
Lucian is here still this week. We have been having fun, but Anthony and Lucian both have gotten little bugs. Lucian has a cold right now so he is resting a lot. He has football games on Sundays which are fun and cute to watch.
I found it at a place called Momma Go Round, its a shop by my work that sells gently used baby/kids stuff and maternity stuff. I love that store! It is in great condition, im just going to get it dry cleaned.
Lucian is here still this week. We have been having fun, but Anthony and Lucian both have gotten little bugs. Lucian has a cold right now so he is resting a lot. He has football games on Sundays which are fun and cute to watch.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
28 weeks: 3rd trimester

I am now officially in my 3rd trimester. I have gained about 20lbs now. I am not to happy about that but I sit around a lot at work and cant do much about it. I have a vericlose vein on my rear end that hurts pretty bad and doesnt make sitting around at work any easier. I finally got maternity clothes at old navy, I love them, but I think I may even out grow them. Hopefully not. I have 3 more months to go... We havent got a chance to decorate or paint the babies room yet. But we should start soon, I have a baby shower planned with family on November 6th and with friends on November 14th. Carson kicks quite a bit, and does the hokey pokey in my stomach all night long. I like to eat a lot of cinnomin stuff, apple sauce, waffles, cinnomin toast crunch. I have been having braxton hicks contractions, sometimes they hurt pretty bad. But apperently its normal, I was seen in triage last week for that, and also I had thought my water broke, turns out my cervix released a pocket of water, it wasnt amniotic fluid.. Thank god! Anthony has been amazing, helping me out with chores, giving massages, and cutting my toe nails, he even cooks me meals and helps make me lunch in the morning, I couldnt ask for a more supportive, loving husband. I feel blessed and every day I just think I cant imagine not having him in my life. Lucian will be coming home from Texas this weekend, he is very excited and prays for his baby brother every day and asks me "are you fat yet?" he's gonna be suprised how big I am when he see's me. Im hoping to keep my weight under 35 lbs... we will see though, cause Thanksgiving is next month and then the Christmas cookies and goodies in December are coming. Anyways, Im just getting very excited to see baby Carson, and very nervous to give birth. I start my birthing classes October 11th!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
6 months! 24 weeks

Seem's like time is flying so fast! I am now 6 months pregnant with our baby boy. I am growing very fast, my tummy is growning fast. I have gone from 117lbs in March to now 133 lbs in the beginning of September! Im hoping to only gain at the most 30 lbs this whole pregnancy! so we will see! I am having a bit of carpoltunnel on my right hand, some trouble breathing because he is pushing on my lungs, and having a hard time standing for a long time. Also, I am kinda emotional and cranky in the afternoon after a long day at work. And very clumsy! I have dropped my phone in the toilet twice this summer and woke up one day with my phone in my water on my nightstand. I spill every day, and have spilt 32 oz of water on myself at work and once in the middle of the night. I spill my food on myself when I eat, and I drop everything! its very frustrating!
We have decided on the name Carson for our boy! and we are going to start decorating and puting together his bedroom this weekend!
Friday, August 6, 2010
20 weeks.... half way there!
I am officially 20 weeks pregnant. Half way through my pregnancy! I have gained 11 lbs. so far... not to excited about that. But, its normal. I have been working a lot and on my days off I usually and booked with Dr. appts. and errands. I have been quite overwhelmed lately. Work has been stressing me out a lot. But its only for 20 more weeks or less! Otherwise, I have been doing good. Lucian went back to Texas for Kindergarden and lost his first tooth! He's all grown up now lol. Anthony finishes EMT training on the 28th of this month. So that will cut down a lot of stress. He is usually gone on Monday, Thursday, and Sat. all day right now.. so we dont see each other much and dont get much done around the house. But that will all change on the 28th! Anyways, Anthony and I have been discussing names and both decided that we really like the name Carson! We are having trouble deciding on a middle name. A triple C name would be cool. But we are still deciding.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
It's a BOY!!!!

Well all my "myth" tests were right and I knew it! we are having a baby boy, and Lucian's prayers were answered! lol We were in the U.S room and Lucian says "are those his legs?" and Im like uhh yeah and do you see his penis between his legs, Anthony says ya "his 3rd leg" lol so it was pretty odvious we are having a boy! It was very exciting and we are all happy! They said the baby looks very healthy and has a "great anatomy" it took a while cause half way through the U.S he fell asleep and I had to get up and use the bathroom and dance around to try to wake him up cause they needed some other shots with him in another angle. He finally woke up toward the end. I got to see him move around a lot! it was cool to watch I coulda watched him all day long! Lucian was pretty anzy though lol. Anyways, we are very blessed and excited. I wish we could say we for sure had a name picked out for our baby boy but we are not 100% sure yet so we are not telling many people. But im sure we will agree on one soon!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Gender predictor quizes
Many people hear different wifes tales of finding out the babies gender before an ultra-sound in the 2nd Trimester. So, I decided to go through them cause I have no life at work...
Chinease Gender Chart: Boy
Wedding Ring Gender Test: Moves from side to side= Boy
Carrying high or low: low=boy
Cravings, sweet for girl and salty/sour for boy: Boy
Morning sickness not much = Boy, lots =Girl: Boy
Mine is Blue.
and I cant do the Drano one at work.
ok in the mirror and you will see,
whether a girl or a boy it will be,
Is your hair full of body, with a lusterous shine
or is it thin and stringy, and makes you want to whine? Full of body and shine.
For the next question, you need to look to your legs,
there down there somewhere, a little voice said.
Is your hair growing faster, could you make your own braids?
Or is it the same as before you were preg? Same as before.
How about your nails, Are they growing stronger and fast?
Or is the growth about the same as before
no changes at all? Stronger and fast
When you wake in the morn are you green at the gills?
Unable to rise from your bed without being ill?
Or are you a lucky one who morning sickness has missed,
and you spend your mornings in a state of happy bliss? No morning sickness just nausea.
Look at your cravings, for I'm told they will tell
the gender of your unborn child as well...
Is it sour taste that makes your day?
and lemons, and pickles keep you on your happy way?
Or do you find yourself craving sweets,
and always looking around for a nice little treat? Sour lemon popsicles and cheese dip.
According to all these questions I have a 80% chance of having a boy.
Chinease Gender Chart: Boy
Wedding Ring Gender Test: Moves from side to side= Boy
Carrying high or low: low=boy
Cravings, sweet for girl and salty/sour for boy: Boy
Morning sickness not much = Boy, lots =Girl: Boy
Mine is Blue.
and I cant do the Drano one at work.
ok in the mirror and you will see,
whether a girl or a boy it will be,
Is your hair full of body, with a lusterous shine
or is it thin and stringy, and makes you want to whine? Full of body and shine.
For the next question, you need to look to your legs,
there down there somewhere, a little voice said.
Is your hair growing faster, could you make your own braids?
Or is it the same as before you were preg? Same as before.
How about your nails, Are they growing stronger and fast?
Or is the growth about the same as before
no changes at all? Stronger and fast
When you wake in the morn are you green at the gills?
Unable to rise from your bed without being ill?
Or are you a lucky one who morning sickness has missed,
and you spend your mornings in a state of happy bliss? No morning sickness just nausea.
Look at your cravings, for I'm told they will tell
the gender of your unborn child as well...
Is it sour taste that makes your day?
and lemons, and pickles keep you on your happy way?
Or do you find yourself craving sweets,
and always looking around for a nice little treat? Sour lemon popsicles and cheese dip.
According to all these questions I have a 80% chance of having a boy.
Monday, July 19, 2010
17 Weeks
I am 17 weeks this week! On Sunday the 25th Anthony and I will *HOPEFULLY* find out the sex of buddy! We both have been thinking its a boy, I heard from a friend that her sister's Ear, Nose, and Throat Doctor said that if the bottem of your tounge has very noticeable blue veins when you are pregnant that means you are carrying a boy.. all of my other pregnant friends have "normal" pink veins uder their tounges, but mine is blue! lol Anyways, sounds really stupid but Anthony always refers to baby as him/he, same with Lucian. So we will see. I am happy with either sex. It might be nice for me to have a girl around cause I get pretty tired of all the burps and farts talk in my house.
Anyways, today is my 24th Bday! I dont feel any older.. but it has been a great birthday. We celebrated all weekend cause Anthony works all day today, 8-5 PUD and 6-9:30ish he has EMT class. Lucian and Anthony went shopping for me early Sat, morning and brought me home a boquet of mixed roses and MR. STICKY. lol that was from Lucian. Anthony gave me part 2 of my present on Sunday, which was a card with Jack Johnson tickets to the Gorge in October! then we went to dinner with my parents at the nice Ivar's waterfront in Mukilteo, I ate my crab legs and then we went to Icecream and walked on the beach! Today I woke up to a big basket full of bubblebaths, body wash, and lotions from bath and body works. Lucian and Anthony made a basket themselves with all their favorite smells! This was deffinatly a great suprise and a great birthday. I feel very spoiled lol which I like! Also, my friend Sarah and I are going to go see Twilight Elcipse tonight, im a slacker and havent seen it yet!!!! ahh im excited.
Anyways, about the pregnancy. I am feeling a bit bigger. Im really itchy everywhere cause my skin is stretching. Doesnt help that I have a huuuge bug bite on my butt/thy that I might be having an allergic reaction to according to my nurse. Also, I had a rough start to 17 weeks. I was pretty I guess you can say "SAD" last week. Kind of up and down with my mood and felt very lonely and depressed on nights where Anthony had EMT class after work. Also, the past few days I havent been able to feel the baby move that much. I feel some strong kicks every so often, just not as much little movements as I did the past few weeks. Anyways, Im sure everything is okay. I am bouncing out of the saddness. I just need to occupy and de-stress myself and reach out to my friends more when Im down.
Anyways, Im really excited to update everyone *hopefully* next week the sex of our baby!
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Today I am 16 weeks. I pretty much feel like that Nadia lady lol. Just kidding. But today strangers that I check into the clinic are commenting on my baby bump... which is a first. I thought I just looked like a white trash girl with a beer gutt lol. But, some people can actually tell that Im prego. Oh, and also I have been trying to go on walks on my lunch break and 15 min breaks during the day since the weather is nice, I go to the lake across from my work, Silverlake. Its pretty nice. The walk today was kinda harsh, its 90 out, I thought I was gonna pass out. I walked to the store about a mile up the street and forgot my water. I bought one there and a popsicle and headed back, now I am all sweaty at work and have blisters on my feet since im a genious and wore flip flops today.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
15 week OB appt.

Today I had a 15 week check-up with Dr. Nicolov. Things went great, I got to hear the babies heart beat. Also, I got to schedule my ultra-sound to find out if the baby is a boy or a girl on the 25th of July. Which is great cause it was originally scheduled for the 22nd of August! we are excited cause Lucian will still be here and will get to find out the sex of the baby with us! he is hoping for a brother.
15 weeks I popped!
14 weeks, 2nd Trimester.
When Anthony and I were on our way home from Priest lake Idaho I felt the baby! we were in the car and I felt fluttering and little bumps in my stomach! It was very exciting, but I didnt know if it was real cause I heard you couldnt feel that until about 18 weeks. Anyways, I talked to my doctor and he said it is normal since Im very petite to feel the baby early!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Yesterday I got to listen to Buddies Heart beat for the first time! it was exciting. Dr. Nicolov found it right away. I had Lucian with me and we recorded it on a sound devise to put into a build a bear. Lucian was so excited he clapped afterwards. It was cute. He then prayed that God would give him a baby brother!
Baby names

Anthony and I have had a hard time agreeing on names that we both like...here's the list on the ones we agree on:
Boy Names:
~Maddox Curtis
~Ryder Curtis
~Carson Curtis
~Isaiah Curtis
or Asher Curtis
and I like Bently
Lucians suggestion: Jack Robert Curtis (who knows why lol)
Girl Names:
~Im still trying to talk him in to Adelynn
*middle names we have not yet decided on. I think it will either be Rose, Leigh, Grace or Jade for a girl.
Why is this such a hard decision!! We can't really decide!! Our leading choices at this time are:
Maddox for boy and Tatum for girl. But, we are both indecisive so that can change at any moment or time lol
Monday, May 31, 2010
10 weeks pregnant
Friday, May 28, 2010
My dog Dixie

Dixie is a Jack Russel Terrior, she is very hyper and kinda ADD. Anthony and I got Dixie when she was 1 year old from someone he works with back in September 2007. She has always been really hyper and she loves to cuddle. She did very well with Lucian and our neices and nephews until recently. Dixie was laying on my lap when Lucian came up to lay with me. Dixie grawled and nipped at his face! and a few days later she grawled and showed teeth at him when he tried getting into his own bed. So, pretty much we have to find Dixie a new home :( It is sad that she doesnt do well with kids. I enjoy cuddling with her and playing fetch with her. I am going to have a hard time finding her a new home.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
My 1st OB/GYN appointment.

May 12th I had my first appointment with Dr. Laurent Nicolov at the Pavillion for Women and Children. Anthony and I had to take seperate cars because he had to go to work after the appt. I got there before him by a few min. and had to do a urine specimen. Anthony was trying to call me while I was in the restroom to find out what floor I was on and my phone dropped out of my pocket into the toilet as I was flushing! Anyways, I went into my appt. and met Violet who is the medical assistant. She is very nice and had to ask a lot of history questions about Anthony and I. Then I met Dr. Nicolov, he was very friendly and answered all the questions we had. He did a pelvic ultra sound where we found out I was 8 weeks along and my due date is December 23rd. We originally thought it was December 12th! Anyways, we saw the baby who looked like a little gummy bear at the moment and we saw a rapid heart beat! which was AMAZING and great to see! My next visit I will get to hear it! Anyways, we were very excited and glade to see baby is healthy!
Something in the Water at AC3
My church AC3 (Allen Creek Community Church) must have something in the water... I have four other friends who are pregnant as well right now. Jenni, who is due on June 12th (any day now). Jamie who is due on September 12th. And Sarah who is due on Halloween, and Elizabeth, who actually attends the church that I grew up in, but she is pregnant with Twins and due in the beginning of November or ealier since its twins. I am very excited and blessed to have so many friends to share this journey with, we are all very excited and im glad our little babies will be able to grow up together!
Morning sickness and sleepyness

So far I have only got sick once, and I think its because I ate 3 huge bowls of Oh's (a cereal) I had been craving. Anyways, I still get pretty nauseous and sometimes Gag when I have an empty stomach. But, I think I have been pretty fortunate thus far. As far as sleeping goes... I cant get enough. After work I am exhausted. I come home and crash on the couch. I try to go to a swim class on Tuesdays and Thursdays (its called aquafit) at the Pillchuck pool. But, its torture some days. And I have a very hard time getting out of bed in the morning. I want to press snooze like 50 times. Or if I could just turn it off and not go to work that would be great, but that never will happen. I just want to take a long nap and cuddle with Anthony 24/7.
My first craving

Since I just found this blog today I am puting in updates from the last month. Anyways, sometime in the beginning of May I had my first craving.. I was at work and Kristin, my co-worker was eating a nice big cheeseburger from Jack in the Box. Normally, burgers are not appetizing to me cause they are greesy and fatty... . But after I saw that I had to have a burger! Later that night Anthony and I went to Red Robin and I got a nice big burger and fries! it was amazing!
Buddy the Elf

Since Anthony and I are due around Christmas we gave our little baby a nickname after one of our favorite Christmas Movies, Buddy the Elf. We decided that if Buddy is born before Christmas, then on Christmas day we will dress him/her up as buddy the elf. Yes, I know we are dorks. But we are very excited to do this. So hopefully baby will be here before Christmas day!
Pregnancy Test

On April 15th, 2010 Anthony and I decided to take a pregnancy test. I have taken many tests in the past few months. I did not expect that I would have a positive test. Anthony had bought me some cheap tests from the dollar store, so I also thought they would not be accurate. Anyways, I took the test and put it on the bathroom counter and started to get ready for work. Thinking it was just going to be negative anyways. About a minute or so later Anthony looks at me and says "there's a second line." it was very faint so we both looked at it for a minute and there deffinatly was a faint line! we were both very excited and happy, we coulnt believe it! we hugged and kissed and then promiced we would keep it a secret until I took a more accurate test. Of course though, since I work at a clinic, I grabbed a test from work, peed on the stick, and gave it to my nurse. She came up to me and confirmed that YES, It is deffinatly a positive pregnancy test!
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