On April 15th, 2010 Anthony and I decided to take a pregnancy test. I have taken many tests in the past few months. I did not expect that I would have a positive test. Anthony had bought me some cheap tests from the dollar store, so I also thought they would not be accurate. Anyways, I took the test and put it on the bathroom counter and started to get ready for work. Thinking it was just going to be negative anyways. About a minute or so later Anthony looks at me and says "there's a second line." it was very faint so we both looked at it for a minute and there deffinatly was a faint line! we were both very excited and happy, we coulnt believe it! we hugged and kissed and then promiced we would keep it a secret until I took a more accurate test. Of course though, since I work at a clinic, I grabbed a test from work, peed on the stick, and gave it to my nurse. She came up to me and confirmed that YES, It is deffinatly a positive pregnancy test!