Today I am 16 weeks. I pretty much feel like that Nadia lady lol. Just kidding. But today strangers that I check into the clinic are commenting on my baby bump... which is a first. I thought I just looked like a white trash girl with a beer gutt lol. But, some people can actually tell that Im prego. Oh, and also I have been trying to go on walks on my lunch break and 15 min breaks during the day since the weather is nice, I go to the lake across from my work, Silverlake. Its pretty nice. The walk today was kinda harsh, its 90 out, I thought I was gonna pass out. I walked to the store about a mile up the street and forgot my water. I bought one there and a popsicle and headed back, now I am all sweaty at work and have blisters on my feet since im a genious and wore flip flops today.
HOLY smokes batman! How did she even stand up for that picture! THANK GOD there is only one in your belly and mine:) And just think...you have 24 more weeks to go/grow!! I think I feel bigger at the end of the day than in the morning...we're going to have a lot more to whine about in a few months:)!