I will actually be 33 weeks tomorrow, I am getting pretty big... im hoping Carson may come a bit early. My original due date was December 12th, according to my cycle and my second U.S said that I was measuring about a week ahead, but the U.S technician said the doc's dont inform you of that unless it was 3 weeks or more. My mother in law just got me a really cute first christmas outfit for Carson and I really want him to be able to wear it! it has a little reindeer on the butt and little reindeer footsies.
Anthony painted Carson's room this weekend, we just painted one wall a color called clear blue sky, it looks really nice. We got the crib set up and the dress/changing table in there and the rocking chair, the furniture is pretty big so the room looks kinda crowded because the furniture is so big, but comfy. I love the vintage firetruck bedding and all the colors in the room cordinate.
I have been feeling really tired, but I dont sleep well. I am usually up every 2 to 3 hours to pee, and roll over which means rolling over with all my pillows as well. I noticed I sleep better on nights Anthony works at the fire station, I have the whole bed to myself to spread out. But I still pee a lot lol. My feet are pretty sore and my belly is getting larger. I have stretch marks on my sides now. I have gained about 35 lbs. Its hard to stay at my goal which was 25-30 lbs. especially with Halloween candy, oreo cookies, and Thanksgiving coming. And hopefully he will come before Christmas but there are Christmas cookies from Thanksgiving on... and candy canes.. Im a sucker for candy and sweets! I have been kinda emotional I cry over some songs and sappy stuff, lol and when my feelings get really hurt or im overly tired I pretty much turn into a toddler and cant stop crying. Anthony has been helpful with cleaning the house, but I do feel like I need to do one big deep cleaning before Carson comes. Mostly with our bathrooms and kitchen. There is a lot of re-organizing to do in our bedroom with clothes and re-modeling/just painting and getting new furnature and rugs for our living room area and kitchen... and I want to put in dimmers throughout the house for our lights. So we have a lot of projects ahead in the next month. Anthony is taking the 11th and 12th off and will hopefully ask some family and friends for help with some stuff cause I cant do it.
Anyways, thats it for now tata.
Shannon's baby blog
Welcome to my baby blog! feel free to leave me comments!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
30 weeks
I am 30 weeks pregnant today... and I got my first belly stretch mark.. its acutally n my side... but it sucks! I am extremely irritable, especially today. Mostly at work. People are so rude and annoying. We got bedding for Carson's room, its really cute. Vintage fire truck.
I found it at a place called Momma Go Round, its a shop by my work that sells gently used baby/kids stuff and maternity stuff. I love that store! It is in great condition, im just going to get it dry cleaned.
Lucian is here still this week. We have been having fun, but Anthony and Lucian both have gotten little bugs. Lucian has a cold right now so he is resting a lot. He has football games on Sundays which are fun and cute to watch.
I found it at a place called Momma Go Round, its a shop by my work that sells gently used baby/kids stuff and maternity stuff. I love that store! It is in great condition, im just going to get it dry cleaned.
Lucian is here still this week. We have been having fun, but Anthony and Lucian both have gotten little bugs. Lucian has a cold right now so he is resting a lot. He has football games on Sundays which are fun and cute to watch.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
28 weeks: 3rd trimester

I am now officially in my 3rd trimester. I have gained about 20lbs now. I am not to happy about that but I sit around a lot at work and cant do much about it. I have a vericlose vein on my rear end that hurts pretty bad and doesnt make sitting around at work any easier. I finally got maternity clothes at old navy, I love them, but I think I may even out grow them. Hopefully not. I have 3 more months to go... We havent got a chance to decorate or paint the babies room yet. But we should start soon, I have a baby shower planned with family on November 6th and with friends on November 14th. Carson kicks quite a bit, and does the hokey pokey in my stomach all night long. I like to eat a lot of cinnomin stuff, apple sauce, waffles, cinnomin toast crunch. I have been having braxton hicks contractions, sometimes they hurt pretty bad. But apperently its normal, I was seen in triage last week for that, and also I had thought my water broke, turns out my cervix released a pocket of water, it wasnt amniotic fluid.. Thank god! Anthony has been amazing, helping me out with chores, giving massages, and cutting my toe nails, he even cooks me meals and helps make me lunch in the morning, I couldnt ask for a more supportive, loving husband. I feel blessed and every day I just think I cant imagine not having him in my life. Lucian will be coming home from Texas this weekend, he is very excited and prays for his baby brother every day and asks me "are you fat yet?" he's gonna be suprised how big I am when he see's me. Im hoping to keep my weight under 35 lbs... we will see though, cause Thanksgiving is next month and then the Christmas cookies and goodies in December are coming. Anyways, Im just getting very excited to see baby Carson, and very nervous to give birth. I start my birthing classes October 11th!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
6 months! 24 weeks

Seem's like time is flying so fast! I am now 6 months pregnant with our baby boy. I am growing very fast, my tummy is growning fast. I have gone from 117lbs in March to now 133 lbs in the beginning of September! Im hoping to only gain at the most 30 lbs this whole pregnancy! so we will see! I am having a bit of carpoltunnel on my right hand, some trouble breathing because he is pushing on my lungs, and having a hard time standing for a long time. Also, I am kinda emotional and cranky in the afternoon after a long day at work. And very clumsy! I have dropped my phone in the toilet twice this summer and woke up one day with my phone in my water on my nightstand. I spill every day, and have spilt 32 oz of water on myself at work and once in the middle of the night. I spill my food on myself when I eat, and I drop everything! its very frustrating!
We have decided on the name Carson for our boy! and we are going to start decorating and puting together his bedroom this weekend!
Friday, August 6, 2010
20 weeks.... half way there!
I am officially 20 weeks pregnant. Half way through my pregnancy! I have gained 11 lbs. so far... not to excited about that. But, its normal. I have been working a lot and on my days off I usually and booked with Dr. appts. and errands. I have been quite overwhelmed lately. Work has been stressing me out a lot. But its only for 20 more weeks or less! Otherwise, I have been doing good. Lucian went back to Texas for Kindergarden and lost his first tooth! He's all grown up now lol. Anthony finishes EMT training on the 28th of this month. So that will cut down a lot of stress. He is usually gone on Monday, Thursday, and Sat. all day right now.. so we dont see each other much and dont get much done around the house. But that will all change on the 28th! Anyways, Anthony and I have been discussing names and both decided that we really like the name Carson! We are having trouble deciding on a middle name. A triple C name would be cool. But we are still deciding.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
It's a BOY!!!!

Well all my "myth" tests were right and I knew it! we are having a baby boy, and Lucian's prayers were answered! lol We were in the U.S room and Lucian says "are those his legs?" and Im like uhh yeah and do you see his penis between his legs, Anthony says ya "his 3rd leg" lol so it was pretty odvious we are having a boy! It was very exciting and we are all happy! They said the baby looks very healthy and has a "great anatomy" it took a while cause half way through the U.S he fell asleep and I had to get up and use the bathroom and dance around to try to wake him up cause they needed some other shots with him in another angle. He finally woke up toward the end. I got to see him move around a lot! it was cool to watch I coulda watched him all day long! Lucian was pretty anzy though lol. Anyways, we are very blessed and excited. I wish we could say we for sure had a name picked out for our baby boy but we are not 100% sure yet so we are not telling many people. But im sure we will agree on one soon!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Gender predictor quizes
Many people hear different wifes tales of finding out the babies gender before an ultra-sound in the 2nd Trimester. So, I decided to go through them cause I have no life at work...
Chinease Gender Chart: Boy
Wedding Ring Gender Test: Moves from side to side= Boy
Carrying high or low: low=boy
Cravings, sweet for girl and salty/sour for boy: Boy
Morning sickness not much = Boy, lots =Girl: Boy
Mine is Blue.
and I cant do the Drano one at work.
ok in the mirror and you will see,
whether a girl or a boy it will be,
Is your hair full of body, with a lusterous shine
or is it thin and stringy, and makes you want to whine? Full of body and shine.
For the next question, you need to look to your legs,
there down there somewhere, a little voice said.
Is your hair growing faster, could you make your own braids?
Or is it the same as before you were preg? Same as before.
How about your nails, Are they growing stronger and fast?
Or is the growth about the same as before
no changes at all? Stronger and fast
When you wake in the morn are you green at the gills?
Unable to rise from your bed without being ill?
Or are you a lucky one who morning sickness has missed,
and you spend your mornings in a state of happy bliss? No morning sickness just nausea.
Look at your cravings, for I'm told they will tell
the gender of your unborn child as well...
Is it sour taste that makes your day?
and lemons, and pickles keep you on your happy way?
Or do you find yourself craving sweets,
and always looking around for a nice little treat? Sour lemon popsicles and cheese dip.
According to all these questions I have a 80% chance of having a boy.
Chinease Gender Chart: Boy
Wedding Ring Gender Test: Moves from side to side= Boy
Carrying high or low: low=boy
Cravings, sweet for girl and salty/sour for boy: Boy
Morning sickness not much = Boy, lots =Girl: Boy
Mine is Blue.
and I cant do the Drano one at work.
ok in the mirror and you will see,
whether a girl or a boy it will be,
Is your hair full of body, with a lusterous shine
or is it thin and stringy, and makes you want to whine? Full of body and shine.
For the next question, you need to look to your legs,
there down there somewhere, a little voice said.
Is your hair growing faster, could you make your own braids?
Or is it the same as before you were preg? Same as before.
How about your nails, Are they growing stronger and fast?
Or is the growth about the same as before
no changes at all? Stronger and fast
When you wake in the morn are you green at the gills?
Unable to rise from your bed without being ill?
Or are you a lucky one who morning sickness has missed,
and you spend your mornings in a state of happy bliss? No morning sickness just nausea.
Look at your cravings, for I'm told they will tell
the gender of your unborn child as well...
Is it sour taste that makes your day?
and lemons, and pickles keep you on your happy way?
Or do you find yourself craving sweets,
and always looking around for a nice little treat? Sour lemon popsicles and cheese dip.
According to all these questions I have a 80% chance of having a boy.
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